CEST Training
Check Employment Status for Tax (CEST) is HMRC’s digital tool for determining whether someone is employed or self-employed for tax purposes. Rebecca is the leading expert on CEST in the UK and has developed CEST Training to help people understand how to use it properly.
The training is provided both on and offline and can deliver either a generic package or a bespoke one specially for your business.
HMRC advise that an organisation should make sure that their staff are trained in Off-payroll working (OPW). The best place to start is with training on HMRC’s own digital tool.
Please email to book a session or for further details: info@cesttraining.co.uk
CEST Explained
Rebecca Seeley Harris has written a book called ‘CEST Explained‘ to do just that – explain CEST. The CEST tool has been highly criticised mainly for HMRC’s interpretation of mutuality of obligations but, also for the ambiguity of the questions. HMRC state, however, that they will stand by the determination of the tool as long as the input is accurate and used in accordance with HMRC’s guidance. This book, therefore, hopes to demystify the CEST questions and provide the guidance given by HMRC, the result being that you should be able to answer it accurately.
In 2019-20 the CEST tool was used nearly 1 million times and over 51% of clients use the tool, so it is essential that the tool is used accurately by all.
This book is now available at https://cesttraining.co.uk/
CEST articles
Rebecca has written many articles on CEST over the years but, here are the recent one’s:
9 February 2024 AccountingWeb CEST tool update spotlights more IR35 cases
5 February 2024 Contractor UK: Check Employment Status for Tax: a contractor’s guide to CEST
2 October 2023 Contractor UK A new CEST is here, with four big changes for contractors and the IR35-concerned
Other Employment Status, Off-payroll working and IR35 services
Rebecca provides many other services.